For me, I will say that Valentines isn't that big a deal for me or most of my friends. And to be quite bluntly honest, as nice and all as it would be to get a card on Valentines, it isn't something that bothers me or keeps me awake at night.
But this year I am going to make an effort to spread the love among my family and friends. So I thought in this post, I'd show you all a few ways to show the people closest to you how much you love them as sometimes we all forget to show our appreciation of them.
Cue the pizza! We have a load of cheese on the way!
This is a nice idea to show someone (Parent, sibling, best friend etc) how much you love them. It'll make them feel good about themselves too, and every time they read one they'll think of you.
2. Do a secret Valentine with your friends
Like Secret Santa, except you give (and get) sweets and chocolate! This is nice for you and your friends, especially if you’re single, because you get to feel special! Again, quite cheesy, but also extremely cute.
3. Have a movie night
Whether its with a sister, your mam or your closest friends, sit down and watch some girly movies. No, not some Nicolas Sparks tear jerker. I recommend (my absolute favourites) Mean Girls, John Tucker Must Die and 10 Things I Hate About You. Add some popcorn and you’re good to go.
4. Compliment People Randomly
Wouldn't it be lovely for someone to say something nice to you, out of the blue and unprovoked? It makes you feel good doesn't it? Well why not give (true) compliments out to people. Not only will they feel good, you'll feel good too.
5. Give out sweets randomly
Give away sweets - are you kidding?
This is actually a really fun thing to do. Last year, I was at a thing where we had to dress up. I dressed up as Wilhelmina Wonka and gave out sweets to random people. It was fun because you get to benefit from talking to random people and maybe even make new friends!
This is actually a really fun thing to do. Last year, I was at a thing where we had to dress up. I dressed up as Wilhelmina Wonka and gave out sweets to random people. It was fun because you get to benefit from talking to random people and maybe even make new friends!
So those are 5 ways to make yourself and others feel loved on Valentines Day. I hope you enjoyed this post :)
Kate x