Friday, 5 April 2013

20 Facts About Me

Hey huns!
So I wanna let you guys know a bit more about me by doing a 20 facts about me post. 
Here goes!

1. I am currently doing Grade V (5) on the piano.

2. I paint my nails every Sunday.

3. I love superheroes.

4. I love movies full stop. 

5. I am a huge fan of The Hunger Games and was completely obsessed with it last year ( I still am) and I am counting down the days to Catching Fire (230 days!!!!)

6. I listen to my iPod every night before I go to sleep.

7. I am cocooned when I sleep. Literally the sheet, duvet, and five hundred blankets. 

8. I love llamas & unicorns.

9. My favourite animals are penguins.

10. My favourite colour in the whole entire world is pink and has been my whole life.

11. My hair looks black but is actually a really dark brown.

12. I started my blog last summer.

13. I wear fluffy socks whenever I'm at home.

14. I suffer from migraines.

15. I wear odd socks most of the time.

16. I can cook pancakes (they're my speciality)

17. I am addicted to Twitter.

18. I laugh at the stupidest jokes.

19. This year so far, I have tripped, slipped or fallen over at school about five times.

20. I wanna be a unicorn when I grow up.

Kate x

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