Sunday, 30 June 2013

June Favourites ♥

Hey huns!
Seeing as it is the 30th of June, its probably a good time to put up my June favourites! I totally forgot about it until yesterday evening, so I had my video uploading during the night so I could put it up on the blog today. I forgot to take pictures (slap on the wrist for that!) because of only being back on Sunday, unpacking, having friends over etc. I don't want to be late with my favourites. So I am actually really sorry this isn't a proper blog post but next time I'll be far more organised and there will be pictures!

I hope you enjoyed the video!
Kate x

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Bucket List 29/06/'13

Hey Huns!
So I decided AGES back to make a bucket list. If you don't know, a bucket list is a list of things that you want to do before you 'kick the bucket'. (By the way, I love the movie the Bucket List and yous should watch it.) I thought why not put it on the blog and anytime I cross off something or add something, I'll do an update on the blog. So here it is!

1-Learn to skateboard 
2-Go sky diving 
3-Swim with dolphins 
4-Go outside Europe 
5-Meet the Janoskians
6-Get an A (or more!) in my Jc
7-Be happy in my own skin
8-Buy a grand or baby grand piano
9-Go to a Bruno Mars concert
10-Start a proper YouTube channel (not unlisted)
11-Go to space
12-Open my own llama farm
13-Go to New York at Christmas time
14-Get to 100 followers
15-Actually win a beauty guru giveaway!
16-Do a giveaway on my blog
17-go to an Amish community ( I have a strange obsession with the Amish)
18-Read Ulysses 
19-Go to Hong Kong
20-Have a career doing something I love like music, drama or fashion. Or just anything that interests me.
21-open an Etsy shop
22-Get all 5 Janoskians to follow me (1/5 - Beau followed me today!)

So I know some things are a wee bit impossible, but I'll try!!
Hope you enjoyed this post and comment below something that might be on your bucket list!
Kate x

Friday, 28 June 2013

Happy Weekend

Happy Weekend Loves!  In these photos, I was out for dinner at the marsh in Murrells Inlet for one of my good friend's birthday.  It was a great time with great friends, some old and some new, and the perfect view.

You might have seen these earrings Here 

Dress:  Jessica Simpson Similar Print Similar 
Shoes: BCBGeneration Here
Earrings: Charming Charlies Similar
Bracelet: Jessica Simpson Similar

I bought these shoes with the money that I won from a contest recently!  I could not believe that I won...I never win anything.  I can't say that anymore.  So grateful and I absolutely love these shoes!  I can see myself wearing them with many outfits in the future...expect to see them again soon.

XOXO Jess 

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Working On It

Hey huns!
I've decided to make some changes to the blogs layout so if it looks unfinished you know why!
Kate x

Monday, 24 June 2013

Happy Monday Loves!  I hope your weekend was spectacular!  I have recently been incorporating purple into my wardrobe.  Purple is, after all, my second favorite color.  I have been pairing it mostly with golds.  I guess my inspiration comes from the concept of know when only the wealthy could afford to wear the color purple and real gold jewelry.  I think they look stunning together.  What color do you wear with purple?

You might have seen these jeans Here and these shoes Here

Blouse: Ann Taylor Here in Turquoise
Jeans: American Eagle Here
Necklace: Forever 21 
Shoes: Similar
Bracelet: Similar


Sunday, 23 June 2013


Hey huns!
As I have said, I went on holidays for 10 days (but with travelling it was 13). My family went to Cuba, a holiday that has been the most different to any other holiday I've been on yet! This is just an outline of the type of stuff I was doing and what it was like.
Quick Things
-Cuba is in South America and is a Spanish speaking island.
-It is on the Caribbean.
-It was embargoed by the US.
-It has a lot of revolutionary history.

We went to London first and then got another flight the next day. The flight was fun because there was movies and tv show. (and food!) When we arrived at the airport in Havana after a 9 hour long flight it was pouring the rain. Total downpour. (it is rainy season after all). We were all so so tired so we all went to sleep early because there was a five hour time difference. We went on tours of the city and it was so humid and was over 30 degrees celcius the whole time. These were some the outfits I wore when I was there.

I got my nails done twice because their aren't any makeup or clothes shops. This was cheap to get done and they are so amazing! They got ruined because of the salt water so I got it done again. A lot of Cuban women get their nails done with super long false ones, but I requested (in terrible Spanish) for none.

The maids in one of the hotels we stayed in left the towels in the shape of an elephant! I pretty much had teh elefun the elephant going around my head. (the theme tune of that game where an elephant blows out butterflies through its trunk)

Because of the embargo, they have barely any new cars. All of the old cars are from the 40's and 50's. There was a hot pink one but I was too far away to take a photo.

We went on a walk/hike to see where they make cigars and coffee in Pinar Del Rio. I stepped on an ant hill and got bitten by red ants but it was still great! The mountains are amazing and is a karst landscape like the burren.

I didn't know this.... but guys, pineapples don't grow on trees. 
They grow on the ground. 
I was shocked to find this out. The guide who took us on the walk picked one and took it to some guys house who makes pina coladas for tourists in his mini bar for the equivalent of less than a euro! (non alcoholic). I tried it, but I don't think I'll have one again!

We went to the beach a few days and it was so nice! There was a breeze so it wasn't too warm. The water was warm and went deep quite quickly. I got stung by a jellyfish on the last day here! Quite sore!

 I got bored and made a turtle out of sand. His name is was *sniff* Timmy.

Mr. Crabs!

I got a dinquiri (din-kir-ee) which is a mocktail of a daiquiri. Its made of lemon juice, pineapple juice and orange juice. It is  a really refreshing drink!

The ice cream is UH-MAZING. This was 450ml of ice cream in a tub. And it was the equivalent of €1.02! Ben & Jerry's isn't even that amount of ice cream and its like €7.

This holiday was such a great experience. Cuba is a country that in 30 years will probably change to a different island that I visited.
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Kate x

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Blog Awards Ireland

Hey huns! 
SO this post is inspired copied from Graces blog. I thought I might as well do this too because its an opportunity! (also more structured than the liebster awards etc). I would appreciate it so much if you would nominate me. (If you're wondering for the youth award Im September 1998).  I will be voting for a few and I hope you will too! Look at the blogs at the side of my blog and you'll get an idea of what blogs to vote for!
Kate x

Friday, 21 June 2013

Summer Time....and the Living's Easy....

Happy Weekend....Hope it's a fabulous one!

You might have seen this clutch Here and these shoes Here

Dress: Ivy & Leo Similar
Clutch: Forever 21 Similar
Shoes: Similar
Bracelets: Etsy Similar Target SImilar Similar Express Here
Earrings: Forever 21 Similar

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Everyday Make Up Routine

hey huns!
This is my daily makeup routine for school or just for my day in general. I usually shower (why my hair is wet) and wash my face with simple foaming cleanser. I then prep my face by moisturising and putting on my Porefessional Primer. For my foundation I use The Body Shops Moisture Foundation that also has SPF 15. Over that I then put on my Maybelline Fit Me concealer in 15 and blend it in. For my blusher I either use my Benefit Dandelion blusher or my Benefit Coralista blusher. To take away shine and to set my makeup I like to use my Bourjois Healthy Balance Powder. for my eyes I use my Naked Two Palette, particularly in the colours Half baked and Chopper. I apply Half Baked all over my lid and Chopper into the crease. To brighten my eyes I apply a white Bourjois eyeshadow in the corners and on my brow bone as a highlight. I sometimes like to use my Maybelline Master Smokey Eyeliner on my waterline. I finish off my eyes by using my Maybelline The Rocket Mascara. Finally, I use a lipgloss to finish the look. In the video i am using a Revlon lipgloss in hot pink.

So I hope you enjoyed this post and the video! I will be back and posting in my own time as I come back from holidays on Monday. Can't wait to post again and to catch up on all the blogs that I've been missing! 
Kate x

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

What I Wore to Work Wednesday

Hello loves!  I am a little late getting this out today, but it's better late than never.  I wore this look to work recently.  I absolutely adore this purple pencil skirt from J. Crew Factory.  I was lusting after it for a while but never took the jump until it was on the sale rack!  I'm not sure exactly why this color went on sale and the others didn't, but this was my favorite anyway so I snatched it up.  It looks great with a crisp white button down and nude heels....although you could pair it with multiple colors.  

You might have seen this shirt Here

And these shoes Here

Button Down: Forever 21 Here
Pencil Skirt: J. Crew Factory Here
Shoes: Gianni Bini Similar Similar
Belt: From a Dress Similar
Bracelet: Apple of My Eye-Etsy Similar and Jessica Simpson Similar
Earrings: Charming Charlies Similar

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Products I've Used Up

hey huns!
SO right now when you are reading this, I am far from a computer and internet and wifi as I am on holidays! This is a prepared post like the rest of the posts that will be coming over the next 2 weeks. This is going to be a products I have used up or hit pan post!

*sorry but there is no photos! I forgot...*

SO one of the things i have hit pan on is the healthy balance blusher by Bourjois. This is by far a favourite of mine. It keeps away shine, but doen't cake your skin at all. This has been feautured in favourites before and I have used it to death because I love it so much!
Another thing is Batiste dry shampoo. I am nearly done my second cannister of the stuff beecause it is so handy and easy to use! It leaves your hair feeling refreshed but isn't the cheapest! 
The next product is a product I have used to death and it is Carmex lip balm. I love this product so so so so much. I don't think I like any lip product as much as I like carmex and even though I bought the strawberry one, I will be repurchasing the normal one again because I really do prefer it to the strawberry one.
Then I have hit pan on my favourite blusher which is the Dandelion blusher by Benefit. This is such a lovely lovely natural blusher and has actually taken me AGES to hit pan on! Its a good blusher for school as it doesn't draw too much attention to your face either. I use it all the time!
The next product is a nail polish that has gone gloopy. It is Rimmel nail polish in 825 Sky High. Now, to be totally honest I wouldn't call it a sky colour but more a sea colour. But anywho, I got this nail polish in 6th class (i was 12!) and used it about 100 times at least haha!
The next product is a Rimmel white eyeliner. White eyeliner really brightens your eyes and leaves you looking not as tired as you were! I have pretty much used mine beyond sharpening because its tiny at this stage.
The last product that I have used up is the Body Shop moisture foundation with SPF 15. This is my favourite foundation (so far!) as its good for sensitive skin and doesn't dry you out what so ever and this has been a favourite before.

So those are my products that I have used up! There is also a video so check that out for what these products look like! Again, sorry for no pictures!
Kate x

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Blue Polka Dots

Good Morning!  Currently, I am sitting on my back patio listening to the birds chirp and sing.  When I was in high school, I hated birds in the morning because they woke me up from very important sleep.  Things have changed since then, as I have come to really appreciate these birds and their beautiful music.  I have always loved nature, but even more so lately.  It is very common to see squirrels trotting along our back fence, hear owls with their calming whooos, and hear birds chirping in the morning (letting us know it's time to get up).  Honestly, nature is the only thing that keeps me from desiring to live the city life.  I am much happier with lots of land with green grass, trees surrounding your property, and animals randomly making a's proof of God's beautiful design.


Dress: Forever 21 Similar Similar
Shoes: Gianni Bini Similar Similar
Necklaces: Vintage Heirloom (Husband's Great Grandmother's Necklace) and Forever 21 Similar

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Cheers to the Weekend

Hello loves!  Are you as excited as am I for the weekend to be here?!?  I am so excited and have so much going on this weekend.  A lot of events mean a lot of cute outfits!  What are your plans for the weekend?

This post comes from Market Common in Myrtle Beach.  My dear friend Kimmee took these photos for me...on her birthday.  She is so sweet that way.  I love it when she takes my pictures...they are always the best!  

Romper: Random Here Similar
Bag: Lauren Ralph Lauren Similar
Shoes: New Direction Here
Bracelet: Forever 21 Similar
Earrings: Similar