Thursday, 11 July 2013

Not giving a Sh*t, Bullying and Being You

hey huns,
so this post was inspired by a few things this week. I was watching an early video by meghanrosette on not giving a f*ck and then Grace did a post on bullying and her experience. You should all go read her post because it is so inspiring and she is so brave to put that up on the internet for anyone to see. I've just read it and it has really pushed/inspired me to do this post.

Not acceptable. In any way, shape or form. Its nasty and disgusting and makes my skin crawl. I have experienced it, majorly in primary school where I would be picked on. Also in first year a girl came up to me and said "(name) said you were ugly" and i just sort of shrugged it off. But later on in the year I was called 'nerd' and 'brainbox' and although it may seem minor comments or a "joke" to them, it was quite hurtful and upsetting to me. I was almost in tears when telling a year head who is also the guidance counciller when she brought us in to see how first year was going, and only then did I realise how hurt and upset I actually was. There was also a person who I thought was my friend. Some days this person would randomly give me the silent treatment with no warning. We stopped being friends before Christmas and since then *touch wood* there's been no drama.

Thats all behind me now and hopefully finished. For second year I had a totally different outlook and nothing was going to get me down. I started to care less. And that brings me on to the next thing I want to talk about.

Not Giving A Sh*t
SO yeah. This is a big thing. And I'm just gonna say I haven't totally mastered this yet,
I'm still uncomfortable in my own skin, how I look, but what teenage girl isn't?
When it comes to me, I've just about stopped caring what people think. Really, I know people don't like me, people who haven't even talked to me. So what reason do they have? None at all. Even in first year we had to talk in twos in SPHE and the person I was paired with did exactly this: turned its back and ignored me. The teacher couldn't believe it and said how rude it was. At the time I was shocked and sort of hurt about it, I just didn't know why this person didn't like me and I still don't. But i don't care anymore. Not everyone will like you. Sad but true. People will always have something bad to say. Some people may talk, but why do they do that? Being petty, jealous, peer preassure, the list goes on and none are a good enough excuse.

I went to my first underage club last Halloween. I was so conscious like omg what would happen if people saw me dance? :O 
Well I went to my next one at the end of my summer exams and thought eff that, I'm gonna dance because I like having fun and meghan made this point in her video, whose going to remember me dancing idiotically in 10,20,30 years time? I mean these days people get so caught up in what people think and teenage girls are the worst. I was walking down the mainstreet in my nearest town alone and two girls walking past pointed at the wall beside me. WOW! A white wall! Never seen one of them before...
People are gonna talk and bitch, but should that really affect who you are and who you are gonna be in the future? I hope not. Don't let those people bring you down, and especially not to bring you down to their level.

Being You
I like trends in fashion. But don't just do a trend because it is a trend. I always try to make sure that I do something quirky, even if its tiny. Because that is individuality. And you shouldn't let a single person stop you from being you. You are an amazing person. Think about it! No one else out there has your exact face, your personality, your finger print! You are your own person and have amazing characteristics. Even when you feel as if you are nothing, or are feeling ugly, or feeling down, just look in the mirror and compliment you're self. You might have beautiful eyes, naturally straight teeth, great hair, a great figure, anything! We are all beautiful in so many differing characteristics and we have to remember this. 

I know this is a long post, but I've been wanting to do this for so long. Grace was brave enough to do hers, so I am going to be too. So thank you to Grace for being so inspiring and strong and to MeghanRosette who taught me not to care and actually live. Also, thank you to my mother who was always there when I was feeling down and said so many true words. So yeah. Thats my post and its longer than I thought it would be. 
Kate x

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."

                     -Dr Seuss

Meghans Video

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