Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Walking on Sunshine

Hello loves!  I hope your weekend was great and that you started the week wonderfully!  I wore this outfit to a friends house a couple of weekends ago for a cookout.  She and her husband made Frogmore Stew (no frog legs involved), or Low Country Boil.  I made homemade lemon cookies and since I started making them, they have been a big hit!  Especially with my husband.  He has me make them all the time now.  Anyway, back to the Low Country Boil...it was amazing!  Potatoes, corn, and crab legs!  Oh, and they added lobster tails!  I had never had lobster tails in Low Country Boil before, but it was delicious!  Our friends were amazing hosts and we ended the day hitting wiffle balls in their yard...you know...just practicing our golf swings!  Have you been to any fun parties/gatherings lately?  If so, what was the theme or atmosphere? 
You  might have seen me wear this blouse here and this necklace here.

Tank: H&M Similar
Jeans: LOFT Here
Necklace: Bijuju Similar
Watch: Caravelle Similar
Clutch: Gap Here in Silver
Sandals: BCBGeneration Similar


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