Friday, 27 December 2013


Good Morning Loves!!  I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and are enjoying the start of this beautiful weekend!  I will have a few posts from the Christmas season over the next few days.  These are looks that could be worn for the holidays, but can still be worn over the next couple of months.
For the look below, I needed to stay warm but also wanted to incorporate a sleeveless dress of mine.  This dress has no sleeves, but I wore a button down under the dress to add sleeves.  When I put the fur vest over it, it tied everything together.  I have been adding this button down to a lot of my summer dresses so that I can incorporate them into my winter wardrobe.  I like getting the most use out of my clothes and love to get creative by mixing them in different seasons.  How do you incorporate your summer clothes for winter?

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You can see where I wore this fur vest, these boots and this bag here!
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Vest: Forever 21 
Dress: Forever 21 Similar
Blouse: Forever 21 Similar
Leggings: Forever 21 Here
Boots: Steve Madden Similar
Bag: Kate Spade Similar
Necklace: Bijuju Similar
Earrings: Ivy & Leo SImilar


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