Sunday, 19 January 2014

Little Life Update

(Playing around with Picmonkey and made this weird picture. Weird)

Hey huns!
I haven't been blogging in about two weeks, so I thought it was time to sit and do a post updating my lovely followers on the happenings of my life. 

School has been hectic (as usual) and I have my mocks in a few weeks. So I've been studying and doing homework etc which takes up a lot of time. I will hopefully keep up posting, but if I don't then you'll know why!

I also hit 20 subscribers on my YouTube (21 now) a few days ago which is fantastic! I'm so grateful that I've even got this far and I'm loving making videos.

I've also been doing pretty good with my new years resolutions! (I'll leave the video below.) I drink about 2 litres of water a day now which is great, I've started to study more and I'm trying to be more positive. 

So this was just a quick little life update and I shall see you in my next video or blogpost.

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