Hey huns!
I am here today with my New Years Resolutions 2015! I know I am slightly late with this post *sigh* but let's not think about that too much! On with the post!
1) Be more positive
I'm not saying I'm a negative person, but I'm definitely in the middle of positive and negative. My goal for 2015 is to be more positive about myself and towards other people.
2) Be more confident and social
I would consider myself to be quiet and not the most outgoing person at all. Ever since going in to 5th year, I have definitely become more social, but I want to improve on that even further!
3) Excercise and keep fit
Yes, I know I know, everyone says this, but I am serious about this. I have already dropped a dress size last year, but I really want to keep up with keeping fit!
4) Perfect Winged Eyeliner
Silly? Yes.
Necessary? Absolutely.
5) Paint My Room
I probably said this last year, but I am serious about it this year. I really want to paint my room baby pink and grey, seeing as the last time I painted my room was over ten years ago. Yikes!
6) Contribute to my positive vibes jar
I made a video (now on private) about this last year. I get a jar, and anytime something positive happens, I write it on a note and put it in the jar. At the end of the year, I reflect on all that happened, which is usually nice as it brings back memories.
7) Blog weekly
Biweekly would definitely not work, seeing as even weekly at best is a push. From now on, I am hoping to post every Saturday (starting today!). I have already started planning posts. Now I just have to get writing...
So those are my 2015 resolutions and I hope you enjoyed this blog post!
Kate x
One of my new favourite songs.
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