Sunday, 13 September 2015

To My Year Of 17

(I just loved the sunset that day)

Today, I have turned seventeen. Although this isn't a landmark age like eighteen, or twenty one or even sixteen, for me, a lot is going to happen during my time of being seventeen. Here are a few of my wishes for the age of seventeen.

A lot is going to happen while I'm seventeen. I'm going into my final year of secondary school, I'll have done my leaving cert, I'll hopefully have my drivers licence and I will also be starting university. Quite eventful!

(two of my best friends and I)

I wish to wear more skirts during my year of seventeen. Probably an unusual/random wish, but where I live, you don't really wear skirts unless you're going somewhere special or going out. Personally, I think this judgement is stupid and I'm going to start wearing skirts not because I need to dress up, but because I feel comfortable in them.

I also wish to blog more during my year of seventeen! I feel like I have somewhat upped my blogging game over the summer, and I hope to keep that up.

(another pretty sunset)

I want to work hard at school and get study focused. During my junior cert year, I did exactly this up until Easter and although my results were good (I got 5 A's and 5 B's), I still feel that if I hadn't of slacked off towards the end, my results would have been far better! During fifth year I felt overwhelmed with the workload and I was easily distracted, which I hope to shake during this year. Of course this year is far more important, so I just want to balance the right amount of work while also resting and looking after myself, as that is equally important in my opinion!

I also want to make the most of it. It'll be my final year of (legally) being a child, which is kinda scary for me. It'll be my year before university and living at home full time, so I want to appreciate the time I have with my family at home before I fly the nest.

(taken when I was in Mijas, Spain)

As I said above, I hopefully will have my drivers licence! I did my theory test and passed it at the start of the summer, which was a great feeling. As soon as I turn seventeen, I plan on getting my provisional licence and getting official licence, so I can have a little bit more of independence and not have to feel bad when my mam has to transport me everywhere!

I want to read more too. I think everyone knows that at some points, life just takes over and you forget to do the things you enjoy. For me, this is reading. Once I get into a good book, it's as if I am transported away from my usual surroundings and can live through the eyes of the protaganist. Such an amazing feeling, right?

All in all, I just want to have fun this year. Yes, this year will be serious, and I will have to take my studies seriously, but I also think that I can't be doing that 24/7.

Sixteen, you've been great.
But seventeen, now is our time to shine.

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