Friday, 3 May 2013

New Beginnings....

Hello loves!  My husband recently got a new job and I am so proud of him!  We both believe this is the beginning of  a new and amazing adventure.  This outfit post comes from a fabulous night out to dinner with my husband's new boss and his wife.  It was so nice getting to know them and to make things better, we ate at my favorite restaurant.

I had a hard time deciding what to wear this night.  I'm the type of person that I have to "feel in the mood" for what I am wearing.  I ultimately "felt" like wearing a trendy but conservative black dress.  This was in my mind building up to this night.  For some reason, though, it never crossed my mind that I did not own this dress that I was imagining.  Too late when it's an hour and a half before dinner!  Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of black dresses, but not what I was "feeling" for the moment.  I ended up with three dresses in front of me.  The dress below ultimately came out on top...which it was meant to do.  It is a gorgeous dress and once I put it on, I knew it would work perfectly for the evening.  Are you a "mood dresser"?

Dress: Random Here
Sandals: Older Similar
Bracelet: Similar
Earrings: Charming Charlies Similar

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