Wednesday, 10 June 2015

My Pregnancy....Second Trimester

Hello loves!  I have been wanting to post more frequently, but time has just been slipping away.  Life with a baby consumes everything, so I don't know how women maintain blogs on a daily basis, while working full time and taking care of the home and children.  Anyway, today I just wanted to share a little bit about my second trimester. 

 During my second trimester, things got much easier. I didn't have any nausea anymore. I have to say that my pregnancy was pretty great. I enjoyed it so much and was very happy carrying my sweet child.  I believe  (other than things beyond our control like sickness) that we make our pregnancies how we want them to be.  I chose to enjoy my pregnancy and be grateful for all of the things that came with it.

I still wore most of my regular clothes at this point in my pregnancy. Thank goodness I had plenty of loose fitting clothes. 

These bathroom pictures are from a conference that I went to out of state. We had to fly and I checked with my obgyn to make sure it was safe to do so beforehand.   I am a nervous flyer,  but tried my best to remain calm and relaxed as much as possible.

There's not a whole lot to say about my second trimester.  It's probably the best trimester because I was finally showing, so everyone knew I was pregnant (but not miserably big), and there was no more nausea.  Also, during the second trimester, I found out what the gender of my baby that was pretty exciting. 

In the photo above, I am wearing maternity shorts.  Again, I didn't buy much in the maternity section, but there came a point where I had to invest in some staple pieces.  I bought a pair of white shorts, skinny jeans, and these jean shorts.  I loved these jean shorts!  So much so, that I recently realized that I don't have any comparable jean shorts for my normal weight!

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