Wednesday, 24 June 2015

My Pregnancy...Third Trimester

My third trimester was pretty smooth.  I was going to the doctor every couple of weeks, and everything started getting real when I started going every week.  That didn't last long, though, because of Lincoln coming three weeks early.  I had a couple of showers during my third trimester (I will post pictures of those in separate posts because they were all so cute), my maternity pictures taken, and got Lincoln's room all set up and organized.  My husband did all of the big things, as far as setting up Lincoln's room.  He put together the crib and the dresser.  I did the organizing from all of the showers.  That was an accomplishment!  I really wasn't sure how I was going to do it, but I impressed myself.  I also missed a shower because it was scheduled the week that Lincoln actually arrived.  Lincoln's due date was September 15th, but he was actually born on August 25th.  My birthday is in August and my husband's birthday is in September.  I never imagined that Lincoln would actually be born in August.  I was pretty certain it would have been September.  I was also very content with being pregnant as long as Lincoln needed me to be.  I had no intentions of being induced.  If he wanted to come 2 weeks early, I was ok with that.  If he wanted to come two weeks late, I was ok with that too.  I think that's probably the reason that I went into labor early, because it didn't bother me one way or the other!  I knew that as long as he was in the oven, he was still baking and would only be healthier.  If I was miserable and wanted him to come early, I can almost guarantee that I would have been the one to deliver two weeks late.  Anyway, he was born in my birthday month!  It was a win-win either way, during my birthday month or my husband's.  Sorry babe! 
These next 4 photos are pictures I had taken at 32 weeks.  I measured small and I remember the photographer asking me if I was sure I was 32 weeks pregnant.  I wanted to have my maternity pictures taken earlier, rather than later.  It was a good thing, considering Lincoln came three weeks earlier than his due date.
I LOVED this maternity dress....I felt so fancy in it!  This is a Jessica Simpson dress.  When I went shopping for maternity clothes, I really had a hard time bringing myself to purchase this dress because, in my mind, it was so expensive.  My good friend, Rachael, was there and she helped push me into the purchase.  I am so glad she did because I have never regretted it.  Also, I didn't buy many clothes while pregnant, so I felt like I could justify getting it.  The most expensive items, added up over time, are probably the maternity bras.  I bought ones that I could use when nursing after Lincoln arrived.  My first few, I bought from Motherhood at the mall.  They weren't the most comfortable bras, but I wasn't aware until my husband bought me some from Soma.  It was like night and day.  When I tried on the bras at Soma, I didn't want to take them off!  I would suggest you try Soma first if you ever purchase any.  They were running a special, so the price wasn't that bad. 

I also wore this dress during one of my baby showers.  I tried to get as much use out of it as possible (like I do most of my clothing anyway). 

This picture was taken the week before Lincoln was born.  This is probably where I felt the prettiest during my third trimester (other than my maternity pictures).  My friend Summer let me borrow this dress and it was so comfortable and pretty.  I wanted to get a bare belly shot at the end of my pregnancy (like I did at the beginning), but completely forgot about it.  And besides, Lincoln came three weeks early, so no wonder I forgot!

I think this picture was taken at the 4th of July event we had at my agency where I work.  The more I look at these pictures, the more I'm starting to miss being pregnant!  Shhh...don't tell my husband!

My mom and me at her home.
I remember people warning me about how hot the summer was going to be while pregnant.  It was just as hot here as it always is, and it didn't bother me.  Don't get me wrong, I was hot, but I wasn't miserable.  The times I felt the hottest were inside in the air conditioner.  It just didn't seem to be blowing cool enough!  Even at my home...I had the air on 65 at night!
Speaking of night, towards the end of my pregnancy, my nights starting getting a little more restless.  It wasn't bad, but I definitely woke up a lot to pee (and that was throughout my entire pregnancy), and I started having some discomfort in my back.  I laid on my sides while sleeping and I wanted so badly to just sleep on my back.  I think a recliner would have been beneficial for sleeping.  I wasn't in pain, but I definitely wasn't comfortable.  I also had charlie horses (leg cramps) a lot during my pregnancy.  I found out very early on that I couldn't wear heels during the day because I paid for it at night with leg cramps. 
The only other thing I have to say about my pregnancy is I tried to be as active as possible, and eat healthy.  I like to think I'm a healthy eater in general (although I am not on top of that right now), but I had my fair share of sweets while pregnant (and still today) too!  When I was pregnant, it was easy to think that not only was I feeding myself, but I was also nourishing my child.  What I ate, he ate.  Therefore, it was a no-brainer for me to eat good, healthy, clean food.  Don't get me wrong, I still ate some things that weren't good for me or the baby, but for the most part I tried to eat healthy.  I also tried to be as active as possible.  I went for walks and went swimming.  I wasn't aggressive with working out or anything, just active. 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I enjoyed my pregnancy!  I am so grateful to have had a good one and thankful for the blessing that I received from little Lincoln!

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